Excelr Red Hat Satellite Server Training – Comprehensive and Complete
Excelr Red Hat Satellite Server Training – Comprehensive and Complete

Excelr Red Hat Satellite Server Training – Comprehensive and Complete


Red Hat Satellite is a superb product with finely honed features that makes tasks of administrators easy besides improving performance. It has a provisioning module, monitoring module and management module that lets Linux administrators manage and handle thousands of servers and installations.

Red Hat Satellite server training for administrators

As it stands there are Linux professionals with very good knowledge of Red Hat but when it comes to the administrative part where Satellite is installed, they come up against issues. A visit to the forums dedicated to Red Hat and Satellite shows just how widespread the issues are about lack of knowledge of Satellite and ways of use. There are typical questions such as how to create application lifecycle and carry out patching. Some ask if Satellite can integrate with HP or IBM. There is the basic question as to why one should use Satellite when one already has Red Hat Linux Enterprise, which shows a lack of knowledge of Red Hat Satellite is and all that it can do. There are questions about security and restrictions in Satellite and how to devise workarounds. Some people want to know if it can manage virtual instances. This shows a lack of knowledge about Satellite and how it can be used for infrastructure management. This is why Excelr recommends Red Hat Satellite server training for administratorsworking in Linux environments and also for IT graduates who may wish to make a career in the Linux direction.

Excelr has an open approach to training in Satellite server. Full cognizance is taken of the fact that some IT graduates may have just passing familiarity with Linux while others may have advanced levels of knowledge but relatively less experience of managing and handling Linux infrastructures. Excelr training is in the form of modules ranging from basic to advance. Students who join Excelr’s online global or in-class training (available in Pune, Hyderabad, Delhi, Chennai, Bangalore and Mumbai) are tested for their knowledge level and are recommended the most suitable starting module from where they can go higher up the scale of knowledge. Working professionals are just as welcome to pursue Red Hat Satellite training as are fresh graduates. In the event a working professional completes the course and makes use of his knowledge on the job but has issues, he can always obtain assistance from Excelr’s experts.

Modes of Training

One thing is certain. Once students complete Red Hat Satellite Server courses at Excelr they need no longer have questions for which they must post online to get assistance. They become fully knowledgeable and in case any assistance is needed Excelr’s Red Hat expert is always there to help.

Should IT graduates opt for Red Hat and Linux training? It is felt that since businesses are veering more towards open source, it pays to specialize in Red Hat and it’s Server package because there are good chances of obtaining employment and advancing careers the Linux way. Excelr systematically trains people who are already working in such environments to gain higher levels of expertise and prepares IT graduates to take on challenging positions in future.

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