Excelr Tibco Spotfire Training Empowers Executives to Analyze Data and Derive Intelligence in Record Time
Excelr Tibco Spotfire Training Empowers Executives to Analyze Data and Derive Intelligence in Record Time

Excelr Tibco Spotfire Training Empowers Executives to Analyze Data and Derive Intelligence in Record Time


The sea of big data is growing at an exponential rate with experts stating that the amount of information available doubles every two years. The wave of internet of things data will further add to this torrent of data. The beauty of big data is that it gives diverse information that, if analyzed and acted upon with minimum time lag, can help businesses anticipate trends and take meaningful action. Executives must not only have analyzed data at their fingertips but it must be in a form that will give them actionable information at a glance. This is what Tibco Spotfire does. Spotfire helps manage data and derive information from a visual presentation.

Most business managers, it must be accepted, are not expected to be experts in IT and analytics of terabytes of data. Tibco Spotfire is a sort of shortcut by transforming data into visualization to help executives derive insights and take decisions with minimum time lag. In order to use Spotfire some form of Tibco Spotfire Training by experts is essential because of the complexity and underlying logic. Excelr Tibco Spotfire training is created with the needs of such decision making executives in mind.


There are several ways for executives to take on training in Spotfire from Excelr. One of the easiest ways is online training in modules of advancing complexity. Those who are not familiar with Spotfire get a good grounding in the basics before proceeding to higher levels of learning. Online access is easy through a laptop, desktop or a mobile device. A Spotfire expert with years of experience in actual working conditions and specialization in teaching handles training for each student. One can proceed at one’s own pace and get a one-on-one training with acccess to multimedia lessons and real life simulations. Even a non-expert in analytics soon develops capabilities to create visualizations and, importantly, derive intelligence.

Yet another way Excelr offers spotfire training is on-premise training for groups of executives with programs tailored to address specific requirements. It is a hands-on experience that, in the space of a few hours or just a couple of days gives executives the specialized knowledge to use this versatile analytics tool quite effectively.

Then there are aspiring executives who need to include business intelligence analytics in their arsenal of knowledge. For them Excelr offers walk in training in Spotfire at its centers in Pune, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Mumbai and Delhi.

What makes Excelr the perfect choice for Spotfire training is its team of qualified and knowledgeable experts, the personalized attention each trainee receives and the custom modules created to train executives only in those aspects they need to become experts in. It goes beyond that in being available post training to help newly trained executives resolve issues when they actually put their knoweldge to use but come across issues. This post training support is crucial because, this is when executives go forward when they have support and encouragement and become experts in just a few months, much to the benefit of their employers.

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