Excelr’s Red Hat Satellite Server Corporate Training Makes Managing Networks Safer and Secure
Excelr’s Red Hat Satellite Server Corporate Training Makes Managing Networks Safer and Secure

Excelr’s Red Hat Satellite Server Corporate Training Makes Managing Networks Safer and Secure


Red Hat Satellite Server is one of the finest tools to manage networked red Hat Enterprise Linux environments with a host of modules available through an easy to use interface for administrators.

The interface is easy to use but even then one must know underlying features in order to leverage the power of Satellite server. It has quite a few modules that a network administrator must know and be proficient in using. One such module is Insights, built into the Satellite ecosystem. Insights helps network administrators diagnose systems and security exploits, stability and performance degradation.  Then there are features that allow adding and removing locations, creating and removing life cycle environments, managing users and user groups which includes setting granular permissions, maintenance, reporting, identity management, external authentication and lots more. Not all network administrators need to become thoroughly experts in all modules of Satellite server but it does pay to be fully aware of the capabilities in order to use them when the need arises. For a network administrator in a corporate environment to become expert training is essential to help him fulfill his duties. This is where Excelr steps in and offers corporate training in Red Hat Satellite Server.


Excelr Satellite server training is a custom based solution that keeps a network administrator’s actual needs foremost and develops custom modules that help such trainees become proficient in precisely those areas that are functional and of daily use to them. Why need based training instead of a fuller training? There are reasons?

  • Not all executives in charge of managing Satellite server are tasked with overall responsibilities and their job responsibilities may cover a few areas.
  • They face hurdles and need to acquire knowledge pertinent to their areas of work.
  • They do not have time to learn everything about Satellite server.
  • Becoming proficient in what they do on a daily basis builds confidence to encourage them to learn more in which case they can access other modules of Excelr Satellite server courses online.


Excelr Red Hat Satellite server professionals go beyond in analyzing the job functions

Excelr provides customized training keeping all these factors in mind. Excelr Red Hat Satellite server professionals go beyond in analyzing the job functions and including not only modules that the trainee needs to learn but also relevant ones like Insights mentioned above, that is bound to be used or be useful for network administrators as a key to keeping networks secure.

The training may be taken online, may be conducted in premises or trainees may walk into any of Excelr’s centers of excellence in Pune, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi and Mumbai and learn only what they wish to know for the moment. Sessions may be over but Excelr support continues because real life situations can be complex and there are issues where such freshly trained executives need help. Excelr is there to help. This is what makes Excelr so special when it comes to corporate training programmes. Giving best returns on investment is one side of the coin; solid support is the other part.

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